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Aafia Siddiqui does not need tears or sympathy - she needs a Khaleefah to defend her honour

It comes as no surprise to hear that the daughter of the Ummah of Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم has been sentenced to 86 years in prison in a Manhattan court. The leader of the ‘civilized' world, the United States of America conjoined with its slave, Pakistan, has displayed an abysmal show of justice. One perhaps should not be wholly surprised at such a sentence, for this sham of a trial epitomises everything that is flawed with the War On Terror. The fact that Bagram airbase, Guantanamo Bay and Abu Ghraib (amongst others) carried out systematic torture and rape amongst the prisoners is no surprise as Capitalism has a degenerate tendency and will refer to extreme measures to maintain its global stranglehold. The same can be said of other man made systems for Communist Russia was renowned for its brutal tactics against political and ideological opponents. Furthermore, the Jahilliya of Quraishi society unleashed its wrath upon the noble Sahaba (RA) because there aspirations were to

Kashmir: Asia's Palestine

Kashmir has once again made the global media headlines as civil unrest has gained momentum and is now into its fourth month. Whilst demonstrations in the Indian occupied Jammu and Kashmir are nothing new, the current unrest has been simmering ever since a student was hit with a gas canister on June 11th protest in Srinagar, resulting in his death from injuries sustained. Ever since, protests have intensified and confrontations with the security forces have been occurring daily. The situation has deteriorated to such an extent that Srinagar airport was closed for the first 15 days of September. Historically this region has always had protests. An insurgency organised by Pakistan and led by Jihadi groups was the norm in this territory. Such actions were driven by the need to remove Indian occupation. However these prolonged protests have seen civil unrest for the whole summer, it has also claimed the lives of over 80 people. Kashmir: Past and Present The British Empire divided t

Uncovering the American-Iranian deception

This article is written by Brother Abid-Mustafa On Sunday 19th September, in an interview on ABC's "This Week" programme, Mr Ahmadinejad said, "If the US administration truly wishes to alter its policies in Afghanistan, and in Iraq, and to move in a direction that serves the interest of the people of those two countries, we are always open to cooperation, as we are now." Iran's offer of assistance to America over Afghanistan comes at an important juncture for the Obama administration. America's armed forces are stretched, NATO is extremely reluctant to contribute more troops and the Pakistani army is overwhelmed by the flood crisis. But why does Tehran want to extend cooperation, given America's recent efforts to impose fresh sanctions against Iran. Equally perplexing is Tehran's proposal to help America stabilize Iraq. One would have thought that instability in Iraq and America's inability to pacify the Iraqi resistance suited Tehran. B