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Who will fill the government posts in a future Khilafah and from where in society will they be selected from?

This article is written by Brother Abdul-Kareem In answer to this there are two factors that need to be considered for someone to be suitable for a ruling position in the Khilafah - capability and strength of ideology. Capability to Rule Capability in carrying out the task of ruling is an explicit shar'i (Iegal) condition for the Khaleefah, Assistants (mu'awinoon) and the governors (wulah). This ruling capability is manifested in certain traits that will enable the person to fulfil the responsibilities of office and manage the affairs of state. These traits are strength of personality, consciousness of Allah (taqwa), kindness and that he should not be one who causes aversion. 1. Strength of personality - The Prophet Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم stipulated that the ruler must be strong and that the weak person is not suitable to become a ruler. Muslim narrated from Abu Dharr who said: "I said: O Messenger of Allah, will you not appoint me as a governor/ruler? He

Islamic Ruling on Military Alliances

Today, we find Muslim countries making military alliances with the kuffar and fighting alongside them. Turkey is a member of NATO and has sent troops to Afghanistan under the UN International Security Assistance Force. Pakistan has entered a military alliance with America to fight Muslims in the tribal areas and support the Afghan war. Many Muslim countries participate in numerous other military alliances and collective security agreements. Historically, the Khilafah entered in to military alliances with kafir states at certain times. In America and Europe we find a small minority of Muslims joining the western armies and being sent to Iraq and Afghanistan with some scholars even issuing fatwas that this is permissible in Islam. The Islamic ruling on military alliances and their permissibility is given below. This is taken from the book Shakhsiya Islamiyya (Islamic Personality) Volume 2 by Sheikh Taquideen an-Nabhani. The extract below is based on a draft translation from Ar

Khilafah - Hope for the Ummah

This week, on the 28th of Rajab, the Ummah will mark the 89th anniversary of the fall of the Khilafah. We should use this anniversary as a reminder of our obligation - as an Ummah - to resume the Islamic way of life, through the re-establishment of the Khilafah. Since the abolishment of the Khilafah in 1342/1924, the Ummah has witnessed a succession of despotic rulers whose sole concern has been to please their Capitalist masters. These dictators, the Assads, Mubaraks, and Zardaris of this Ummah, are eagerly financed, armed, and supported by the parliaments of North America and Europe. Such subjugation has resulted in the political, economic, and social hardships of the Ummah. For example: • Poverty : A 2002 study by the Economist found that 1 out of 5 Arabs lives on less than $2 a day - and this was before the 2008 Financial Crisis. • Corruption : According to Transparency International, Muslim countries account for 8 of the 10 most corrupt countries that were surveyed. • War